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Make a circle, big, big, big (Melody: “London Bridge”)

Make a circle, big, big, big. (Todos de la mano realizar un círculo cada vez más grande.)

Small, small, small. (Hacen el círculo más pequeño.)

Big, big, big. (Hacen el círculo más grande.)

Make a circle, small, small, small. (Hacen el círculo más pequeño.)

Hello, hello, hello. (Se saludan todos con la mano. El profesor intenta mirar a los ojos)


Make a circle, round and round. (Cogidos de las manos dan vueltas en círculo.)

Round and round.

Round and round. (Podemos dar vueltas en la otra dirección)

Make a circle, round and round.

Hello, hello, hello. (Se saludan todos con la mano, el profesor intenta mirar a los ojos)


Make a circle, up, up, up. (Cogidos de las manos las elevan lo más alto que pueden)

Down, down, down. (Se agachan.)

Up, up, up. (Se vuelve a poner de pie elevando las manos)

Make a circle, down, down, down. . (Se agachan.)

Now sit down. (Todo el mundo se sienta y se puede pasar a cantar “Here we sit  together”.)


Here We Sit Together (Melody: “The more we get together”)

Here we sit together, together, together (sentados en círculo cantamos)

Here we sit together, all here on the floor.

There's … and … and …

(etc, hasta que cada niño dice su nombre – y al final todos juntos dicen el nombre de su Teacher)

Here we sit together, all here on the floor.



Circle time is here (Melody: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Hush, ssh, quiet please,

Let's all gather near.

Find a friend and sit right down,

Circle time is here.


Make a Circle (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

Make a circle, Make a circle

Make it round, Make it round

Make it in a hurry, Make it in a hurry

Then sit down, then sit down.


Everybody come and have a seat (Melody: "Shorting Bread"

Everybody come and have a seat,

Come and have a seat, come and have a seat,

Everybody come and have a seat on the floor.

Not on the ceiling (señalar al techo)

Not on the door (señalar a la puerta)

Everybody come and have a seat on the floor


Come and join us in the circle (Melody: "Clementine")

Come and join us in the circle

For a fun and happy time.

We will learn and play together

In our circle, yours and mine.


Listen carefully and look closely

Have good manners and be kind

We will learn and play together

In our circle, yours and mine.


Circle Time Song (Melody: Oh, My Darling Clementine)

Time for circle, time for circle,

Time for circle time today.

We will sit down and be quiet,

Wonder what we'll do today?


Who's here? (Melody: "London Bridge")

How many Friends are here today?

Here to learn, here to play?

How many friends are here today?

Let us count them. (El profesor empieza a contar a los alumnos en inglés)


Who is here today? (Melody: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Let's see who is here today,

Who has come to join our play?

Everyone sit close at hand,

Say your name, then you can stand,

Let's see who is here today,

Who has come to join our play?


Where is...? Melody: "Frère Jacques"

Where is (Nombrar a un niño/a)?

Where is (Nombrar a un niño/a)?

Did he/she come?

Did he/she come?

Come to (daycare, preschool. kindergarten),

Come to (daycare, preschool. kindergarten)

Yes, he/she did

There he/she is!


My name is … (Melody “La Cucaracha”

My name is … My name is …

What’s your name and where are you from?

My name is … My name is …

What’s your name and where are you from?

(Una vez que lo aprenden lo van preguntando en cadena unos a otros)


"Surprise Song" (Melody: "I'm a Little Teapot”)

What's in the surprise sack, who can tell?

Maybe it's a book, or maybe it's a shell.

What's in the surprise sack, who can see?

It's something special for you and me!

(Ideal para presentar vocabulario nuevo en flash cards)


You can find it in a book (Melody: "If your happy if you know it")

You can find it in a book, if you look. (Clap, clap)

You can find it in a book, if you look, (clap, clap)

You'll find stories that are fun.

You can learn about the sun.

You can find it in a book, if you look. (Clap, clap)


Time for snack (Melody: "I'm a little teapot")

It is time for us to have our snack,

Please sit down; Hands on your lap,

Wait till everyone is served their food,

Then eat your snack, yum, yum,

It's good.

(Ideal para cantarla antes de repartir el bocadillo)


Before Snack (Rhyme)

Now it's time for snack

Please, everyone sit down

We will have some crackers or some fruit.

And a drink to wash it down.


I'm A Little Clown (Melody "I'm a Little Teapot")

I'm a little clown who's short and fat,

Here is my tummy, here is my hat.

I can do a trick as you will see,

Just turn around and look at me.

(Esta canción la cantamos para apoyar el proyecto sobre el circo
que estaban celebrando con la tutora)




2011 ©
Copyright   Francisco Gómez González                    Diseño web CiberAtalayas

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